Sevensta Yacht transport
Sevensta Yacht transport

Sevenstar Yacht Transport
Sevenstar Yacht Transport is the world’s leading provider of yacht shipping services. Our global network of destinations and fleet of over 100 independent carriers put us at the top of our sector. Sevenstar’s success is due to its innovative techniques, flexibility, customer care and competitive pricing.
FHF Red Carpet Treatment
Especially for all Feadship Heritage Fleet members, Sevenstar Yacht Transport launched the FHF Red Carpet Treatment: a dedicated contact person will ensure you fast lane priority service, knowledge of FHF yachts specifications and events locations, offer round-trip special deals and additional special services.
With Sevenstar Yacht Transport your yacht is in the safest hands.
Customisable approach
Unlike most transport services, Sevenstar takes a customisable approach to yacht transportation, offering a unique range of services to provide the most comprehensive yacht transport service available. Sevenstar Yacht Transport services include lift-on, lift-off yacht transport as well as float-on, float-off yacht transport services via its dedicated partner DYT Yacht Transport; whatever you prefer mos
FHF personal contact
Sevenstar Yacht Transport
Peter Staalsmid
phone: +31 20 4488429
mobile: +31 650624797