Partners Supported by Feadship

Pantaenius Yacht Insurance
Dear Feadship Heritage Fleet Association Members,
Pantaenius is both proud and pleased to be a partner of the Feadship Heritage Fleet. During the 50 years that we have been offering specialised yacht insurance solutions, Pantaenius has insured many beautiful Feadships. As the only real global provider of yacht insurances, innovation is a driving force of our company and as a family business of passionate yachtsmen, heritage is something we value and understand very well. Therefore we have created a special program for the members of the Feadship Heritage Fleet with unique advantages that are in keeping with your needs, such as:
A fixed sum insured that is based on a mutually agreed upon “Classic Heritage Value”. It will simply be agreed upon between you, the owner, and Pantaenius and fixed in the policy.
Cover for the vessel and her machinery, without “wear and tear” exclusions or “new for old” depreciation, as well as for the crew.
Our designated FHF coordinators are pleased to be of assistance:
Michelle van der Merwe
Tel: +377 97984342
Ellen Hooning
Tel: +31 228 596928